Header Snorkeling


The exceptionally clear water, with its many shades of blue, offers visibility averaging over 30 metres and with temperatures between 19°C and 29°C is ideal for snorkeling.

Snorkelers and passengers are welcome aboard our boat (depending on availability). snorkeling trips run at the same time as scuba diving. snorkeling equipment can be hired from us too.


By joining our purpose built 10m dive boat m/v "POSIDONIA" (with water jet propulsion for max safety), you will have access to snorkeling sites which are not accessible from the shore. The boat departure time is 13:00 every day and, depending on demand, we run a second trip at 10:00.

The question most snorkellers ask is what will they see while snorkeling? It is impossible to list everything and would also spoil the surprise element, but here is some of the Mediterranean marine life you may well see: Damsel fish, Trigger fish, Red Snappers, Tube worms, Parrot fish, Red and Grey mullet and Bream. Click on Gallery to view some photographs or short video clips.

Max the Snorkeller

Snorkeling really is for everyone and we
look forward to seeing you aboard Posidonia very soon!

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